3. Abduction

Parshva Supta Padangusthasana

Parshva Supta Padangusthasana | Purna Yoga Hip Series by Aadil Palkhivala


  • Opens the adductors (inner thighs)

Go Deeper:

  • Work toward balance on the right and left sides
  • Work toward the full pose: hand holding the big toe

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Safety Points:

If the pose feels too challenging, or if the raised leg is less than 45° from the ground, practice with the grounded leg bent to a 90° angle and the foot on the floor.



Start by lying on your back with your legs together, aligned with the central line of your body.


Keep the left leg active, slightly internally rotated and all the toes pointed to the ceiling with the foot flexed.


Bring the right leg in towards chest, hold the strap in the right hand with the strap looped around the outside of the heel coming beside the outer ankle as pictured (or hold your big toe) and straighten the leg with the foot reaching for the ceiling holding the strap with a straight arm.


Bring your left hand to your left hipbone (ASIS). Reach both heels away from you, contract both quadriceps, and lift the bottom of your belly.


Draw your right hip away from your right shoulder to balance the sides of your waist.


On an exhalation, lower the right leg out to the side. It’s ok if the left hip lifts up slightly. As the right leg lowers, bring the outer edge of the foot to parallel with the floor. The right kneecap should face the right armpit.


Keep the feet and legs active with your quadriceps contracted. Lift the bottom of your belly. Reach your right inner heel away from your left hipbone (ASIS) and your left hipbone away from your right heel.


Hold for 3 to 9 breaths. Repeat on left leg.