Anatomy Study: the Sacro-Iliac Joint by The Daily Bandha

Anatomy Study: the Sacro-Iliac Joint by The Daily Bandha

Being a Purna Yoga instructor has turned me into a total anatomy geek.

It wasn’t like I hadn’t studied anatomy before. I had several anatomy books from my 200 hour teacher training. But it wasn’t until I got a copy of The Trail Guide to the Body (required text for my 300 hour training at the College of Purna Yoga) that some anatomical knowledge really began to stick in my brain. I realized, as obvious as this may seem, that some anatomy texts do a better job of illustrating anatomy than others. The better the illustrations, the better one can incorporate and assimilate anatomical knowledge within one’s own body.  The Trail Guide to the Body is the best anatomy text I had ever had, and it has increased my anatomical knowledge ten-fold. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to understand the working of their physical body better.

Just as good, is the work presented in The Daily Bandha. The creation of Dr. Ray Long and 3D graphic designer and illustrator, Chris Macivor, The Daily Bandha has been one of my go-to, online resources for the intersection of anatomy and yoga since I first discovered it several years ago. When I can see the anatomy in the illustration and then “see” it in my own body, my understanding of asana deepens, literally. My understanding is not limited just to what I see on the outside of my body, or what I feel in my body, but now encompasses an extrapolated visual of the muscles at work as well. I don’t always agree with everything they have to say about yoga, but we don’t have to agree with everyone to respect their work and opinions.

Whenever I talk about the sacrum and the S-I joint in class, I always ask, “does everyone know where the sacrum is?”. Sometimes the answer is yes, but I always love it when someone is willing to say, “no”. Because even if we do know where the sacrum is and know what our S-I joint is, I think our mental visual can always gain more detail.

The June 11th post from The Daily Bandha presents a beautifully detailed exploration and illustration of the Sacro-Iliac joint. If you have low-back pain, an S-I joint that likes to slip out of place, or just want to have a better visual picture in your mind of the sacrum, check this post out.



Letitia Walker
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